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Posts Tagged: In the community

Donate to help individuals and families experiencing severe hardship.

There are many ways you can help your local community and neighbours:

  • Shopping for others
  • Dog walking
  • Helping people who are ill or self-isolating
  • Online mentoring or socialising
  • Litter picking and other community schemes
There are also opportunities available to you if you are self-isolating or are not able to offer physical help.
If you are a Cardiff Council employee and wish to volunteer, please contact

Find a volunteering opportunities to support your community

Use the search to find opportunities that we have available. You can filter by area and by type of volunteering work available.
Make sure you read our Guidance for Volunteers before you apply.

Diversionary Activities Volunteer

Working within homeless service for Cardiff Council’s Diversionary Activities Team. Who engage clients with complex needs to build positive social network through meaningful activities, engagement, education, therapy and training. With... read more →

Café assistant

Maes y Coed Community Centre * is the centre of our community * a volunteer run community centre, run by the community for the community. * a thriving multi-purpose community... read more →

FAN Group Facilitator

The FAN Charity promotes and supports FAN (Friends And Neighbours) Groups in venues across Cardiff, South Wales and on Zoom.  FAN Groups bring people together in friendly conversation and offset... read more →

Cardiff Youth Justice Service Volunteer Roles

Cardiff Youth Justice Service Volunteer Scheme Cardiff Youth Justice Service is a multi-agency organisation with statutory responsibility for providing intervention, challenge and support for young people and their families with... read more →

Delivery Driver

FareShare Cymru works to fight hunger by tackling food waste. We take surplus edible food from the food industry and redistribute it to organisations that feed people in need.  ... read more →

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