FareShare Cymru works to fight hunger by tackling food waste. We take surplus edible food from the food industry and redistribute it to organisations that feed people in need.
Marketing and Communications Assistants needed to help fight hunger by tackling food waste.
Help fareShare Cymru fight hunger by tackling food waste.
Volunteers 18+ required to support our marketing and communications work. This may include: developing case studies; updating our website and social media; updating a media contacts list; developing/designing other marketing materials; attending events; writing press releases; producing infographics.
Tags: Administration and Office Work, Environment and sustainability, Health and Wellbeing, In the community, Marketing and media
Phil PinderAddress:
Unit S5,
Capital Business Park,
St Mellons
Email: phil@fareshare.cymru
Tel: 02920362111
Web: www.fareshare.cymru

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