We help anyone, anywhere in the UK and around the world, get the support they need if crisis strikes. From hiring a wheelchair or dealing with loneliness, to adjusting to life in a new country – we’re there when you need us.
Role: Emergency Response Volunteer Location: Cardiff, South East Wales Commitment: This service operates 24 hours/7 days per week. Volunteers are asked to do at least 2 x 6 hour shifts per week and attend monthly team meetings, held in the evenings, 7-9pm.
What would I be doing? You will be helping people prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies. Every individual affected by an emergency will need different support from us to help them recover, below are some examples of what you might support with:
Volunteers should have good communication skills, be empathetic and calm in crisis. Covering the whole of Cardiff but must be able to get to Ely Fire Station (CF5 5BQ) – within 30mins. You can find out more about the role here: https://bit.ly/CardiffER or email ILCRVolRecruitment@redcross.org.uk |
Tags: In the community
Ella CoatesEmail: ilcrvolrecruitment@redcross.org.uk
Web: https://bit.ly/CardiffER

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