DEV SITE Cardiff Council


Donate to help individuals and families experiencing severe hardship.

There are many ways you can help your local community and neighbours:

  • Shopping for others
  • Dog walking
  • Helping people who are ill or self-isolating
  • Online mentoring or socialising
  • Litter picking and other community schemes
There are also opportunities available to you if you are self-isolating or are not able to offer physical help.
If you are a Cardiff Council employee and wish to volunteer, please contact

Find a volunteering opportunities to support your community

Use the search to find opportunities that we have available. You can filter by area and by type of volunteering work available.
Make sure you read our Guidance for Volunteers before you apply.

Volunteer Administrator

What does your organisation/group do? Shining Stars Cardiff CIC is a vibrant community interest company dedicated to providing affordable childcare for children age 2-5 years old, in a nurturing and... read more →

Learning Support Volunteer

Community Adult Basic Skills (CABS) was founded to help adults with learning disabilities build confidence and skills that will help them day to day.   We are recruiting volunteers to... read more →

Community Hub Volunteer

The Community Volunteering Team, funded by the Welsh Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, develops accessible volunteering opportunities in the 21 Hubs across the city.  Our volunteering opportunities aim to improve participant’s... read more →

Drivers Mate

Department: NuLife Furniture Responsible to: Volunteer Coordinator Responsible for: None Hours: Flexible Responsibilities: 1. Helping to load and unload the vehicle 2. Providing support during the delivery and collection process,... read more →

Reception and Admin

Department: NuLife Furniture Responsible to: Volunteer Coordinator Responsible for: None Hours: Flexible Responsibilities: 1. Assisting with day-to-day administration of NuLife Furniture. 2. Coordinating collections and deliveries 3. Customer service- first... read more →

Stockroom Assistant

Department: NuLife Furniture Responsible to: Volunteer Coordinator Responsible for: None Hours: Flexible Responsibilities: 1. Sorting and assisting with organising donations such as clothing, crockery, furniture and toys 2. Assisting with... read more →

Social Media and Marketing Support

Department: NuLife Furniture Responsible to: Volunteer Coordinator Responsible for: None Hours: Flexible Responsibilities: 1. To assist with promoting NuLife on social media platforms and keep these up to date; Instagram,... read more →

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